28 December 2012

06 November 2012

Artists Anonymous Finals 2012

Artists Anoymous
ARTists Anonymous was created for artists by artists.

Artists across the spectrum have brightened the Red Velvet Room in Sydney with music, dance, burlesque, circus performance, comedy, live art, magic & more.

AA is an addiction. It's an Art Addiction. We love art and know it exists in all of us. Artists Anonymous encourages people of all ages, talents and levels of experiences to do what they do.

We thank everyone that has shown their support with warm applauses, MC'ing, promoting, setting up, sound and lighting and we thank the performers who have shared their time and talents.

23 August 2012


First time seeing a squirrel! 

07 August 2012

Chicago - Lollapalooza Festival

Chicagos StreetArt made from Fridges Miyuki &  Jadee.. Chill!

31 July 2012

August Adventures

Jadee Lee
Photographer Benjamin Speed

04 July 2012

Artists Anonymous

Dreamt of at Christmas time, Artists Anonymous was born in May with a large, welcoming and supportive audience to greet it. The positive feedback is encouraging and the vision has certainly come to fruition thanks to fellow artists and art supporters.
Artists Anonymous is a space for artists of which I believe we all are, to share, express, play and be.
Artists right across the spectrum have brightened the Red Velvet Room on a given evening with music, dance, burlesque, circus performance, comedy, live art, magic & more.

31 May 2012

Pedestrian Tv

Jadee Lee & Miyuki Lotz

30 April 2012

VU - Director Tam Morris

Dr Cook - Jadee Lee

Jadee Lee as Dr Cook

25 March 2012

Just Looking ONE80PROJECT

Writer/Director/ Actor - Jadee Lee Rhodes  Best Mobile Short Film. 

19 February 2012

Fish Knows Everything

Artist Mertim Gokalp

"Poetic, enigmatic and beautifully executed." Judges stated
Winner Regional Art Prize - Hunters Hill Art Exhibition 2012
Marissa Wynne & Jadee Lee R

23 January 2012


Jadee as Pixie & Director Benjamin Morton

Jadee Lee - Fairy - Faye
Jadee Lee Rhodes